Your Team of Experts
We create spaces and places that transform lives and communities for the overall good.
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We offer a unique combination of real estate expertise and consultative solutions to deliver value that is both economic and socially impactful. We are a team built on collaboration and innovation, consistently challenging ourselves to improve with the ultimate result of higher level of service to our clients.
A Proven Track Record of Results
Project Management
increase in unsheltered homelessness in LA County since 2015.
people experiencing homelessness in L.A. County on any given night
of the unhoused report experiencing serious mental illness
average monthly rent in Los Angeles
Innovative Policy Solutions
Executive Directive 1 from Mayor Bass
Instructs City departments to review and approve 100% affordable and temporary shelters within 60 days and issue permits within 5 days.
New Research Study on LA County ARF’s and RCFE’s
This study highlights the important role of ARF’s and RCF’s to house vulnerable populations and how to strengthen these valuable community resources.
SB 35
The law is designed to encourage the creation of new affordable housing units by removing the pressure of local politics from the approval process.
Interim Motel Conversion Ordinance
This legislative action strips away regulatory barriers that previously prevented dilapidated hotels and motels from being repurposed as transitional and supportive housing facilities. The ordinance also allows for by-right construction of multifamily developments on land currently zoned for public facilities – assuming nearby properties are zoned for that use – and exempts PSH developments from mandatory parking minimums.
Middle Class Housing Act
The law aims to create new housing units for low and middle income Californians by allowing development in underused commercial sites zoned for retail, office and parking usage.